About Max Results PT Memberships

  • All Memberships come with strength-based PT sessions.
  • Memberships also include unlimited access to group classes and studio access.
  • You will have an initial 1 on 1 session with your personal trainer to determine your current fitness levels, goals, previous history, and injuries.
  • Together, we work out the appropriate personal training program for you.
  • Every single member has their own personalized training program which is updated and changed about every 8 weeks.
  • We have a fully equipped cardio and weights area and you are entitled to participate in as many classes or your own training sessions as you like.
  • We run a body composition program bi-monthly that helps educate you on how to align your nutrition with your training goals. This is a free program for all our members.
  • If you have specific nutritional needs we are also able to connect you with allied health professionals such as a dietitian or nutritionist.
  • No, we don’t believe in lock-in contracts, you can cancel your membership anytime with 28 days notice.
  • We have built a loyal and supportive community at Max Results Personl Training of everyday people getting fit together.
  • Say Hi to our friendly Max Results PT Brunswick members community on our Facebook and Instagram.
Photograph of the facilities at Max Results Personal Training.

Check out our newly renovated gym with a dedicated cardio mezanine.

Google Rating
Based on 90 reviews

What our members have to say

Perfectly built program to tackle all your problems. Matt and the team are so easily approachable and willing to help with everything! Would highly highly recommend!

John Kanellos

The owner, Matt, his family and the trainers I’ve had the pleasure of working out with are incredibly professional, personable and most importantly warm. I appreciate that there was no BS when I joined a few months ago now and I still enjoy going. The trainers themselves encourage rather than push and are “regular-regular” people like their clients. Best decision I’ve made to become a member.

May Parley

This is the best gym I’ve been to. Super effective training, the most personable trainers and clients you’ll meet anywhere, and no BS. Matt and the team are extremely knowledgable. Glad I joined.

Chrisopher Nankervis

A great training studio, with very knowledgeable PT’s. Very welcoming with a community feel. I’ve been a member for a few years now, and I love it!

Clare Woodhouse

Been training here for 6 months now, the staff are amazing and the equipment is exceptional. Highly recommend Matt and the rest of the team at Max Results.

William McAloney

Hands down the best training experience I have ever had. Matt and the team are friendly, knowledgeable and caring. You don’t feel like one of the masses here and there is a focus on your form to prevent injury and help you make gains. I have learnt so much and am super happy with my results and progression.

Casey Cassar

I have been training with Matt for over 6 months now, and wow, what a difference. Not only have I lost weight, but Matt has educated me, coached me and helped me navigate a really sensitive and difficult area of my life. I feel incredibly confident in reaching my goals and better yet am learning to love the journey along the way. If you are ready to become the best version of yourself, look no further.

Isabella Ibrahim

I’ve never felt so welcomed and supported in meeting my health and fitness goals. The staff have made me feel comfortable enough to ask questions, even the ones that seem silly. The positive results that I’ve personally seen make me extremely confident in their expert knowledge and advice. Joining the Max Results community is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Emily Beale

I joined Max Results in late 2021 and have sincerely appreciated the supportive environment. The trainers are all that fabulous combination of caring about helping you reach your goals and pushing you past your comfort zone when you need some sterner encouragement. I’ve never felt so comfortable in a gym before. Thank you team, you are just wonderful!

T Pittard

I’ve been training with Matt and his team for over a year now and had amazing results not only physically but feeling great mentally as well. It’s a super nice gym with quality equipment and the PT trainers are all willing to listen to your fitness needs.

Sarah Moffat

Follow us on Instagram @max.results

Who’s coming along to our all new “Hard Core” Class tomorrow at 10.15am
We love what we do!! Everyday people getting stronger day by day, week by week, year by year 💪
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We run mainly 3:1 PT sessions for our members these days at Max Results. Every single client is on their own personalised program and our personal trainers will coach you according to this. No generic group training. In this video Ryan is lifting a heavy squat to 5 reps max, Em has progressed today from goblet squats to Back squats and her form was on point and Bel was doing light RDL’s as it’s her first week back after holidays. Personalised  training!!!!
You get loads of coaching, tips and advice in our 3:1s and the focus is on continually improving form whilst improving strength safely. The key ingredients to good training
Shoutout to @francisssevans. Frankie is a @brunswick_nobs legend now playing with Port in the AFL. Since the end of last season he’s been back in Melbourne and had access to our studio. He’s been super diligent following his own program in that time and frankly is as lean, athletic and in shape as I’ve ever seen him. He’s a ripping fella and everyone involved with Brunswick footy club and Max Results can’t wait to see what you produce in the big league next year!! Go get ‘em Frankie 💪🏼💪🏼
We’re back to business as usual from Tuesday 2 January. I hope everyone has enjoyed their break, we’ve missed having you in the studio! 
Looking forward to getting back at it! 💪
So thrilled with everyone’s generosity and great attitude to get involved with our wishing tree. All gifts go to @salvosau and help brighten Xmas for those  that need a helping hand
Don’t normally post a PB lift,but, @_southerndandy deserves a massive shout out. He was having a few shoulder issues so we regressed everything, worked on rehabbing that and slowly rebuilt. Together we have done a ton of sessions. On those cold winter nights Ryan was in here grinding and now 6 months on he nailed a new PB. I always consider a client is very strong when they can press 35KG Dumbbells, but 40KG + puts you in a whole other category. A low % of people could do it for reps. Well Done Ryan, the harder you work the “luckier” you get